Subject-related school practice (SP)
Registration for winter term 2024
Deadlines for the Subject-related school practicum (SP) in the winter term 2024
Registration for the Subject-related school practicum (SP) takes place in the semester before (summer term 2024):
You can register for the Subject-related school practicum (SP) in u:space from 06 to 24 May 2024:
Please note that the allocation is expected to take place by 27 September 2024!
The prerequisite check will take place on 16 September 2024.
Deregistration from the Subject-related school practicum (SP) is possible until 30 September 2024.
Art-related subjects
Registration for the artistic subjects takes place via the respective university:
Descriptive Geometry
The registration for the subject-related school practice (SP) in the subject Descriptive Geometry takes place via the department of the Vienna University of Technology:
Registration for subject-related school practice (SP) for religious subjects via the registration page for the PPS in u:space is only possible if this is done as part of the teacher training programme.
Registration for the following subjects takes place via the respective subject institute:
- Master Islamic Religious Education (registration for the accompanying course in u:space).
- Master Religious Education (focus: Catholic Religious Education)
- Master Religious Education (focus: Orthodox Religious Education)
- Master of Religious Education (focus: Protestant Religious Education)
- Master Protestant Specialist Theology
Please contact your respective department directly!
The assignment to the mentors will take place in the first session of the accompanying course.
Registration subject-related school practice (SP)
How does the registration for the subject-related school practice take place?
Registration for subject-related school practice (SP) in all subjects (exceptions see box above!) takes place in the pre-semester via u:space.
- May (winter term)
- November (summer term I & II)
With this registration, you will be registered for the internship place and the accompanying course at the same time. After receiving an internship place, you will automatically be assigned a place in an accompanying course. Prioritisation of any parallel courses is not possible.
The accompanying course is an examination-immanent course. Attendance is compulsory. In order to be included in the accompanying lecture, you must be present at the first appointment - as with all other pi courses. This also applies to digital, synchronous settings. Please also refer to the information on the respective accompanying lecture in u:find.
Where is the de-/registration in u:space?
You can see your registration in u:space. In the registration overview in the tab "internships" you can deregister on the far right ("delete" or trash bin symbol). Note the respective deadlines!
What requirements do I need to be able to register for the subject-related school practice?
The prerequisite for registration for the subject-related school practice (SP) is the completion of ABGPM3 and, if applicable, compulsory courses in the respective subjects. Prior completion of ABGPM2 and ABGPM4 is recommended.
Please refer to the recommended study paths of the respective subjects!
When are the prerequisites for the registration for the subject-related school practice checked?
The prerequisites for the registration for the subject-related school practice (SP) are checked one week before the assignment. If you do not fulfil the prerequisites at this time, you will automatically be deregistered from the accompanying LV and the internship place.
What options are available when registering for subject-related school practice?
During the registration process, you can prioritise the time and place for your internship. In this way, the best internship placement (time and location of the mentor) will be determined for you. Your information on time availability applies to the internship, but not to the accompanying course.
Is it possible to complete the subject-related school practice in both teaching subjects in the same semester?
Registration for the subject-related school practice (SP) is in principle possible in both subjects in the same semester. However, we strongly advise against this for the sake of feasibility!
Each registration for the subject-related school practice (SP) is an independent registration that is not coordinated with each other. If you complete the practical courses at the same time, you will have to reckon with an increased time commitment.
Attention: If the accompanying courses for several subjects (e.g. Slavic languages / GR/LAT) are combined in one course, it is unfortunately not possible to complete the subject-related school practice (SP) in these two subjects at the same time!
What are the internship dates for the subject-related school practice in the summer semester?
In the summer semester, there is the possibility for the teaching subjects to offer two internship dates for the subject-related school practice (SP):
- Summer term I (February to March/April)
The internship date SoSe I provides for a start of the subject-related school practice (SP) in February, during the lecture-free period, and is to be completed by April. You can find out which subjects offer this date on our homepage in advance of registration.
- Summer term II (March to June)
The internship date SoSe II is offered by all teaching subjects (individual exceptions possible!) and takes place during the lecture period between March and June.
What effects does a change of subject have on the registration for subject-related school practice?
If you decide to change subjects after registering for the subject-related school practice (SP), it is essential that you ensure that the course of study with which you registered is active at the time of allocation! This means that the old course of study must still be open during the assignment. Otherwise you will not be allocated and your registration cannot be considered, as only active studies can be considered for allocation. In general, we strongly advise against changing subjects between registration in the previous semester and allocation.
Is an alternative completion of the subject-related school practice possible?
Yes, it is possible to complete the subject-related school practice (SP) in a teaching subject through own teaching activity as an alternative. The own teaching activity must take place in the semester in which the accompanying course is completed.
The SPL of the respective subject is responsible for approving the alternative completion of the subject-related school practice (SP). Please contact the responsible office (SSC/SSS of the subject institute) directly! You can also find information here:
Please note that the approval must be granted BEFORE the regular allocation to the internship places (winter term 2023: 15.9.2023 / summer term I 2024: 12.1.2024 / summer term II 2024: 9.2.2024)!
If you teach independently (no mentor!), you will be registered for the accompanying course by the relevant teaching subject after the internship places have been allocated.
Please deregister in u:space if the SPL of your teaching subject agrees to an alternative completion of the subject-related school practice (SP). Otherwise, you will be assigned an internship place.
Ja, es ist möglich, die Fachbezogene Schulpraxis (SP) in einem Unterrichtsfach durch eigene Unterrichtsstätigkeit alternativ zu absolvieren. Die eigene Unterrichtstätigkeit muss in jenem Semester erfolgen, in dem die Begleitlehrveranstaltung absolviert wird.
Die Genehmigung der alternativen Absolvierung der Fachbezogenen Schulpraxis (SP) obliegt der SPL des jeweiligen Unterrichtsfaches. Bitte wenden Sie sich direkt an die zuständige Stelle (SSC/SSS des Fachinstitutes)! Infos dazu finden Sie auch hier:
Beachten Sie, dass die Genehmigung VOR der regulären Zuteilung zu den Praktikumsplätzen erfolgen muss (WiSe 23: 15.9.23 / SoSe 24: 9.2.24)!
Wenn Sie eigenständig unterrichten (kein:e Mentor:in!), werden Sie vom zuständigen Unterrichtsfach nach der Zuteilung der Praktikumsplätze nachträglich zur Begleitlehrveranstaltung angemeldet.
Bitte melden Sie sich in u:space ab, wenn die SPL Ihres Unterrichtsfaches einer alternativen Absolvierung der Fachbezogenen Schulpraxis (SP) zustimmt. Sie bekommen sonst einen Praktikumsplatz zugeteilt.
What happens if I deregister from school practice?
In the event of deregistration from the accompanying LV or the internship place, you will automatically be deregistered from the other. Please note the respective deregistration deadlines. Deregistration after the deregistration deadline will result in a negative grade.
Please note that the number of retake options in the PPS differs from other examinations!
See here: How often can I repeat the practical if I do not pass it?
Allocation subject-related school practice (SP)
When will I know whether I have received an internship?
Places will be allocated until the expected allocation date on 26 January 2024 (summer semester I 2024) or 23 February 2024 (summer semester II 2024). If you have not received a place by then, you may still receive a remaining place afterwards. Please take this into account when planning your semester.
What are the criteria for allocation?
If all the necessary requirements for the internship are met, an internship place can be allocated.
Places are allocated taking into account the progress of your studies (ECTS in the respective subject) and the best possible overlap of the allocation criteria of place and time, which you prioritised when registering.
All internship places that have been made available to us by the mentors are taken into account in the allocation process. If you do not receive a place, please enquire at your respective specialist institute about alternative completion options.
Which school will i go to?
The teaching profession trains for all school types of the entire secondary level, i.e. students should also get to know all school types (NMS and AHS/BHS).
The Verbund Nord-Ost (North-East School's Group), which is made up of institutions from Vienna and Lower Austria, offers school locations in Vienna, Lower Austria and (Northern) Burgenland. This may have an impact on travel times.
Where can I view my internship position?
You can view the allocation of the internship place in u:space. The allocation is displayed in the registration overview in the internship places tab. Contact your mentor independently!
Is it possible to swap internships?
No, it is not possible to swap internships!
Can I choose the accompanying course?
When assigning students to the internships in the PPS, the focus is on the best possible overlap of the students' and mentors' prioritisation of time and place. Since homogeneous groups of students and mentors are formed in the accompanying courses, they are automatically assigned to the accompanying course.
It is therefore not possible to prioritise any parallel courses or to swap the accompanying courses.
Information regarding the subject-related school practice (SP)
Are there any special requirements for the subjects?
Yes, there are guidelines regarding:
- Distribution of hours of observation / independent teaching
- Contents of the internship
- Documentation of the internship
- Subject-specific requirements, if applicable
How much time do i need to plan?
For the subject-related school practice (SP), 15 hours are scheduled in the classroom as well as pre- and post-discussions. The given hours can be completed within the framework of 9-11 appointments.
In addition to the attendance times in the local schools, there is also travel to and from the school locations.
In the semester in which the subject-related school practice (SP) is completed, a particularly large amount of time must be reserved for this, especially in the mornings, when most of the lessons take place.
In order to ensure sufficient time flexibility for the subject-related school practice (SP), we advise against completing the subject-related school practice (SP) in both teaching subjects in one semester.
When can i start with the internship?
When arranging the internship dates, please note that the internship may not begin before the start of the accompanying course!
How are the appointments with the mentors organised?
The students must arrange the concrete appointments at the school directly with the mentors themselves after the start of the accompanying course. It is very important that the students are cooperative and flexible in their collaboration with the mentors (e.g. consideration of the mentors' schedules, taking holidays into account)!
What requirements do I have to fulfil in order to pass the internship?
- The specified dates (9-11 dates) and the specified number of hours (15 hours + pre- and post-discussions) must be completed.
- The content-related requirements of the mentors must be met.
- The subject-specific requirements must be met.
- The internship passport must be completed (see below for download)
How often can I repeat the internship if I don't pass?
If there is a negative assessment "participated without success" in an internship, the students have the opportunity to repeat the internship once. A negative assessment is made on the basis of formal failures or a written performance description. If the written performance description is likely to lead to a negative assessment, the student has the right to submit a written statement. An internship is assessed "participated without success", i.e. negatively, if
- the internship place is not taken up after the binding registration without giving reasons.
- if the internship is not completed in full without giving reasons.
- the mentor assesses the student's performance as insufficient.
- students are expelled from the practical school.
Requirements for school practice Bachelor's degree teacher training - all subjects (PDF)
School Practice Internship Passport (Word/PDF)
File size: 134 kB
Please send enquiries about subject-related school practice (SP) by e-mail to: