Specialisation Inclusive Education (Graduation Master studies)

1) Master thesis in a different subject

If you write your Master's thesis in your other subject and not in inclusive education, you only need to submit your collective certificates to the SSC Teacher Education. This is because the organisation of the Master's thesis/examination as well as the issuing of the final documents will be taken over by the teaching subject in which you are writing the Master's thesis.

As soon as all the planned courses appear on the transcript of records and have been positively assessed, the transcript of records for the ABG (Sammelzeugnis für die Allgemeinen Bildungswissenschaftlichen Grundlagen (ABG) and the Specialisation Inclusive Education (IP)) can be submitted.

Please send us the following information to beratung.inklusivepaedagogik@univie.ac.at:

  • Name
  • Matriculation number
  • Student identification number
  • Transcript of records

Please allow 2-4 weeks for the processing of your degree.


2) Graduation Specialisation Inclusive Education as Extension study

If you study Specialised Inclusive Education in the extension programme, you do not have to write a Master's thesis, but only take the Master's examination. For details, please read the corresponding chapters in the manual (PDF, German only) (Chapter 5 and 6).

3) Master thesis in the Specialisation Inclusive Education

In the Master's programme, the subject in which the student teacher writes the Master's thesis is also responsible for the organisation of the Master's examination and the preparation of the final documents. The following handbook contains all the information.

 Manual (German only)

Below you will find a list of potential supervisors for your Master's thesis in Inclusive Education. Please contact the respective persons directly.

 Supervisors Master thesis
