
To complete the master's programme, you must have successfully completed all courses and examinations required according to the curriculum.

The StudiesServiceCenter of the teaching subject that comes first in the alphabet will issue your degree certificate. The SSC Teacher Education checks whether you have completed the Allgemeine Bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen module (general expertise in education) and passes this information on to the responsible SSC.

Once you have completed all achievements of the general expertise in education module, please send an e-mail to containing the following information:

  •      Name
  •      Student ID number
  •      Degree programme code

You will not receive any additional documents from the SSC Teacher Education.

For the further entries of the teaching subjects, please contact the responsible StudienServiceCenter of your teaching subjects. The StudienServiceCenter of the subject in which you are writing the Master's thesis will issue the certificate; you will also register for the Master's examination with this StudienServiceCenter.

Important note

Master's thesis

Please note that it is not possible to write a Master's thesis in the ABG. Please contact one of your two subjects regarding the Master's thesis.


Please send the e-mail to You will receive an e-mail as soon as your examination results from the general expertise in education module have been entered in the record of examinations.