Courses and examinations
Foto: Universität Wien
The StudiesServiceCenter Teacher Education is responsible for courses and examinations in the following fields:
- Bachelor’s programme in Teacher Education: Allgemeine Bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen (general expertise in education) and Pädagogisch-praktische Studien (teaching practice)
- Master’s programme in Teacher Education: Allgemeine Bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen (general expertise in education) and Pädagogisch-praktische Studien (teaching practice)
- Specialisation in Inclusive Education
You can find detailed information on registration and examination matters on the general information pages abut studying.
Registration system u:space
Registration and deregistration for courses and examinations takes place via the university-wide registration system u:space. Please note that you must select the correct study code and the appropriate MOD module (according to the curriculum) when registering, otherwise you will be deregistered.
- The correct assignment is important for all registrations, i.e. for registrations for courses immanent to examinations, for lectures and for lecture examinations.
- The registration system only recognises achievements if they are correctly assigned in the collective certificate. An incorrect assignment can only be corrected by SSC staff (email with matriculation number to
General information on the u:space registration system can be found on the website regarding course registration.
Criteria for allocation of places
The University of Vienna is gradually changing the system of place allocation to the recommended study path and replacing the previous models of place allocation (e.g. points system). You can find general information on the allocation of places according to the recommended study path on the website regarding the recommended study path. From summer semester 23 onwards, places will be allocated for the entire range of courses offered in SPL 49 according to the recommended study path. For more information, please refer to the bulletin dated 27.1.2023 (No. 57, PDF).
Registration, deregistration and deadlines
The registration for courses and examinations is subject to certain registration periods, which you should check in the u:find course directory or on this website before the beginning of the semester. After the end of the registration period, you will receive an e-mail (u:account) within 1-2 days informing you whether you have been registered or are on the waiting list.
Your registration is only complete after you have attended the first session of the course.
If you have pre-registered for several options for the same module, please check for which course you have actually been registered (e.g. you might have been registered for your second or third choice). If you are listed on the waiting list, please come to the first session of the course and ask whether there are any remaining spots available.
If you do not attend a course despite you are registered or you do not take an exam please deregister. Otherwise, you will be given a negative grade or you will be suspended for the next exam date.
Group application/preference
When registering for a group, it is recommended to set several preferences.
In order to enable each student to complete their studies as quickly as possible, if the person concerned has not been offered a place in the desired course, they will be offered a place in another, non-selected group. In order to receive this course place, the person concerned must confirm within 2 days that they wish to accept the selection. If the place is not accepted within the deadline, the person will be put back "on the waiting list".
Important information on examinations
- You can only register or deregister for examinations within the relevant registration period. It is not possible to register for an examination after the end of the registration period, and we will not answer any requests in this regard.
- Only students who have registered for the respective examination within the registration period will receive a grade on their examination.
- At the entrance to the examination room it is checked whether the students have registered. For this, the student ID card must be presented. Unregistered students are not allowed to enter the examination room.
- If you have registered for an examination but cannot or do not want to take it, you have to deregister within two days before the examination date. If you registered for an examination but do not show up without an excuse, you will automatically be excluded from the following examination.
- If you are caught cheating in an examination, it will be noted in your transcript of records. The examination attempt counts.
FAQ Registration
I do not fulfil all the requirements, is it still possible to register for a course?
No, that is not possible, otherwise the chains of preconditions would be pointless.
I have been given a waiting list place after the main registration period. What should I do?
In the course of the late registration phase (remaining places), all waiting list places will be recalculated! We therefore recommend all students who did not receive a fixed place during the main registration phase to register again in any case during the late registration phase (remaining places). Ideally for a course that still has free places, but if necessary also for a full course in order to obtain a place on the waiting list. The waiting list places are only fixed after the end of the late registration phase (remaining places)!
I missed the registration period. What should I do?
If you missed the main registration phase, you can register for the late registration phase (remaining places). There is no further registration phase.
Can I exchange seminar places?
No, an exchange of seminar places is not possible.
I am still in the Bachelor's programme. Can I already attend Master's courses?
You can only register for examination-immanent courses (seminars) in the Master's degree in Teacher Education in the ABG after admission to the Master's degree in Teacher Education. However, you can attend lectures. However, registration for examinations is also only permitted after admission to the Master's degree programme in Teacher Education.
When and how must the registration for the KU Reflection and Evaluation of Own Practice (ABGMAPM2) take place?
The KU Reflection and Evaluation of Own Practice (ABGMAPM2) must be completed in parallel to the practice phase in a teaching subject. Registration takes place after allocation to the practical places via the corresponding course in u:space. (For information, see Current registration deadlines)
Registration is only possible if you have received an internship place.
Information on digital exams (German only)
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Please send enquiries about registration or examinations by e-mail to: