Team SPL 49

Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michelle Proyer (Director of Studies 49)



Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nele Kampa (Vice-Director of Studies 49)


The team of the directorate of studies (teacher training) is responsible for the following tasks:

  • The organization and execution of teaching in the field of General Principles of Educational Science (ABG) for the teacher training at secondary level in the North-East School's Group (bachelor's and master's degree) in cooperation with the institutes of subject science and subject didactics of the individual subjects and the cooperating colleges of education.
  • The organization and execution of teaching in the pedagogical-practical studies (BA and MA studies).
  • The organization and execution of teaching in the specialization Inclusive Education.


The SSC teacher training is responsible for the administrative implementation of these tasks. Therefore, please use the service addresses or write to before contacting the directory of studies!

Consultation hours with the directory of studies only take place after prior notification by e-mail.